Last year I was invited to contribute a guest post to a fellow author's blog (you can read that here, if you missed it). And that got me thinking. I've connected with some amazing people over the last year, both face to face and in cyberspace, people who have inspired and encouraged me as I journey along an unfamiliar path. And because they've meant much to me, I decided I'd like you to meet some of them too. So, over the next few months, I will be inviting different individuals to tell you a little about themselves, their faith and their creative endeavors.
First up for February - Dyane Forde

I first came across Dyane through a Facebook Christian Writers and Publishers Group where she had posted a link to her website and blog 'Christian Creative Nexus'. I was intrigued and hopped on over to take a look. And I liked what I saw! Dyane's primary objective was to provide a space where Christian creatives, whether they be writers, painters, photographers or musicians could safely explore and develop their God-given purpose for their talents. Each blog post and word of encouragement Dyane writes is infused with the honesty of her own creative journey and her quest to hear the voice of Jesus in all she does.
Dyane accepted a couple of blogs I wrote for Christian Creative Nexus, and then invited me to submit to the second edition of an upcoming digital magazine she was in the process of putting together, 'Lost Pen Magazine'. And it's her creation and development of 'Lost Pen' that I would like to focus on here. At every step of the way, from inception to final publication, Dyane has sought God's guidance, direction and covering for the entire project. Early on she felt the theme should relate to mental health concerns. As she prayed, she felt God highlight the passage in Isaiah where God promises he will exchange our ashes for his beauty.
Let her tell the rest of the story in her own words. Click on the link to her blog to read more, and then watch the interview as she chats about this and other areas of her work and ministry.

316Films Interviews the Founder of the 'Lost Pen Magazine'
Lost Pen Magazine
And now you know a little more about its creator, take some time to enjoy these editions of 'Lost Pen Magazine'