Over a decade ago, maybe even two, I sat in church in a Saturday evening service as Pastor Ray Bentley gave a different type of alter call on this particular night. I don’t remember what year it was, only that he invited folks forward to receive prayer over God’s calling on their lives. He said we each had a special calling. One so special, one that walked us through that good plan God has for our lives, one that would bring honor and glory to the Lord as we lived out His purpose in our lives. Good works that He prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
I knew God was calling me—I thought it was to write—but I wasn’t sure. Maybe that’s not entirely true. I had been writing for an in-house magazine at the insurance company I worked for, writing articles and interviews for the customer service department. I had a two-page spread to fill monthly, and I knew about deadlines.
The thing that changed the way the river of my life flowed was a book I had read, a Christian fiction romance. I finished the story, closed the book and hugged it to my chest, deeply satisfied with the story. I wanted to write stories that made Christians experience what I had just experienced between the covers of that book. Encouragement, edification, and entertainment.
Pastor Ray, just a few years ago, before he passed away, had started a vlog series called Step into the Story. I loved watching these. Watching them, I realized God was inviting me to step into His story. Just like that night a couple of decades ago, when we were invited to step into our calling—step into His story for our lives—God still invites me (us) to partner with Him in His plans, plans He made for our good and His glory.
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)
I went forward in that Saturday night service when Pastor Ray gave the vocational alter call, committing myself to writing. In my earlier stories, you can see a mild mentioning of God with prayer before meals or attending church, but as I grew in my writing career, I learned to step out of God’s way and started praying over my writing sessions before I start writing. Now the characters show more depth, more contemplation of who they are and how they might come closer to God and step into His plans for them. I also noticed that as I study His Word more and get to know Him better, and as I write about love and redemption and reconciliation to God, I take my own steps deeper into God’s story.
God has plans for each of us, and if we follow Him, I believe that our desires and hopes and talents will intersect with His plans for our lives. As we partner with God, He leads us. My pen stands at the ready to write as He leads. As I grow as His daughter, I find that He has led me to this place of writing to become more like Jesus, for my edification, for growing His Kingdom, and for His glory. Lord, please let it be so!
I love Psalm 45:1 in both of these translations:
My heart bursts its banks, spilling beauty and goodness. I pour it out in a poem to the king, shaping the river into words. (MSG)
My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. (NKJV)
I write as Kaitlene Dee and Tina Dee. I write for the Lord and for my sisters and brothers in Christ. I love what I do, [#lovewhatIdo] and hope that my work truly weaves a story that touches the heart, enriches the soul, edifies the spirit, encourages and entertains the heart of each and every reader, and above all, glorifies Jesus Christ, my Lord.
What do you love that you do?
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters… Col 3:23

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Kaitlene (Tina) Dee lives on the west coast, enjoys outings along the coast and in the nearby mountains, hiking, supporting dog rescues and outdoor cooking and camping. She also writes contemporary western Christian romances as Tina Dee. Kaitlene and Tina’s books can be found on Amazon and are enrolled in Kindle Unlimited (except Wildflower Ranch, which you’ll get free when you sign up for her newsletter).
Please follow Kaitlene on BookBub at Kaitlene Dee:
Emma, and Viola, are Kaitlene’s most recent releases and are part of the Prairie Roses Collection. They can be found on Amazon or read in Kindle Unlimited here:

Hi Tina! I really enjoyed reading this and how God lead you to write. I am so glad to know you and love to read what you write.
Oh, Tina, how my heart was touched by reading this article this morning! I love that you allow God to lead your pen to write for His glory! I thank God for your Christian faith, your calling, and Christian books! 📚 Your books keep getting better and better as time goes by and I so very much enjoy them! I love YOU as a dear friend through getting to know you simply by reading your books and being a member of your newsletter and arc team! You are one of the BEST authors out there, and I can’t wait until your following grows so that more and more people can read your books and learn of Jesus’s love for them!…