I am married to a pastor. So, here’s my three-point outline!
God’s Preparation
It never ceases to amaze me as I look back on my life (now beginning the 7th decade), of how God prepared me for the future when I was just a child.
He placed me in a godly home where Jesus was adored (my mother led me to Christ at age 8), music abounded (both parents were music teachers), and literature and history were appreciated (Dad was an avid reader and history buff).
Growing up, my brother, a neighborhood friend, and I would spend countless hours playing with little wooden bricks (the forerunner of Legos). We would create kingdoms and castles, modern-day cities, and even boats. Using small plastic Disney characters to be kings, peasants, families (Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland were always a couple), friends, and foes, those characters would “come to life” through our imaginations. Looking back, I can see this humble start as the beginning of my love of storytelling and God’s preparation for my future in writing.
God’s Promise
My teen years were filled with many wonderful experiences: choir, band, drama club, and art. However, being a devoted Christian in a public school setting, I faced bullying for my faith. On the verge of a nervous breakdown, I was hospitalized. This dark time drew me closer to the Lord than ever before, and God gave me my life’s verse—Psalm 37:4 – “Delight thyself also in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” I asked the Lord to prove that verse in me--to show others that God was with me and would bless me as I surrendered myself to Him and trusted Him for my future. Shortly thereafter, I dedicated my life to full-time Christian service when attending Word of Life teen camp.
It was also during this time that I began writing. I loved reading books set in historical times and places, so that’s what I wrote. I had many desires for the future: to be a pastor’s wife, to teach, to write, and to be an actress in Christian films.
God’s Purpose
God, in His graciousness, gave me the desires of my heart. In my first class at Christian college, I was assigned to sit next to a handsome blond-haired, blue-eyed young man studying to be a preacher. Three days after graduation, we were married and have been at our current church for forty-four years! I taught in two Christian schools and have homeschooled for 32 years (first my three children, all miracles, which is another story in itself—and now my grandchildren). I have written over twenty plays, programs, and musicals, and though I never had the opportunity to act in Christian films, I have been able to step into many of my own stories and act on stage! When COVID struck in 2020, and churches, homeschool groups, and Christian schools were no longer producing plays, it seemed like my writing ministry, which God had used around the world, was coming to an end--until the Lord led me to turn my most popular dramas into novels! So, instead of my ministry dying, it expanded! Lord willing, I will be releasing Book 7 on October 1st! The Lord has also used my background in music; I’ve taught private lessons for more years than I’d like to count and have written a piano course for Christians that incorporates hymn-playing techniques. God is so good!
As in anyone’s life, there have been ups and downs, but through it all, I can see the hand of God preparing, guiding, and fulfilling my life above and beyond what I could have imagined back in those vulnerable high school days.

What about you? Looking back on your life, what has the Lord equipped you to do for His glory? He has given all His children talents, abilities, and spiritual gifts. As God said to Moses, “What is that in thine hand?” Whatever He’s placed in YOUR hand, dedicate it to Him, and watch Him work through you—then be amazed and stand in awe of His power and blessing!

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